Acupuncture needles are hair thin solid metallic needles that are inserted into muscle at specific points on the body to relieve pain. Major factor for global acupuncture needles market growth is that it helps to relieve tension, headaches, and migraine. Acupuncture is very much effective in treating and relieving the pain caused due to chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, osteoarthritis, and menstrual cramps. It is typically practiced in a private practice setting by a variety of practitioners like acupuncturist, TCM practitioners, physicians, chiropractors, and physical therapists in the private clinic or in hospitals.
Acupuncture reduce physical and emotional impacts of an unhealthy or stressful work environment and benefits to boost your productivity at workplace, because of this many key players are making efforts to commercialize acupuncture treatment across the globe. The strategic methods for boosting the performance of companies such as SEIRIN, Suzhou Medical, Dongbang, Empecs, Wuxi, Suzhou Acupuncture, Cloud and Dragon, Jiajian, 3B SCIENTIFIC GMBH AcuMedic Ltd., AIK Medical, Dana Medical Co., Asia-Med, Suzhou Hualun Medical Appliance Co., Ltd., Boen Healthcare Co., Ltd., Suzhou Zhongjing Life & Science Technology Co., Ltd., WUXI JIAJIAN MEDICAL DEVICES CO., LTD., and Shinylink (Shanghai) Industrial Inc. have been included in this report.
The report focuses on some startups that will contribute toward the progress of the global acupuncture needles market in the near future. Added piece of market intelligence focuses on the global acupuncture needles market especially in North America (Canada, The U.S.), Asia Pacific (Japan, China), Europe (The U.K., Germany), Middle East & Africa (Saudi Arabia, South Africa), Latin America (Mexico, Brazil), and India. Asia Pacific dominated the global acupuncture needles market with 45.3% revenue share. Furthermore, it discusses demanding structures and scope for the acupuncture needles market sector. Acupuncture treatment has been widely and extensively used in the U.S. for diseases such as migraine and lower back pain.
Rising prevalence of chronic diseases and obesity is the main factor driving the growth of global acupuncture needles market. Report includes a brief on marketing research methodology as well as opportunities offered by the market. Leading key players chiseling market edges and progressing at an unprecedented speed have been summarized with statistical data. The current market situation and future prospects of the business sector have also been reviewed.
Report provides the most important information, such as segmentation for the conductors of the acupuncture needles market, product offerings, and business reports. It also addresses comprehensive mapping of the competitive landscape. Also the development strategies implemented by the major market players are mentioned to comprehend the competitive scenario.
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